Year of release: 2013
Format: Comp
Catalog number: WAM-050

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A hand-picked compilation of 32 tracks from the first 7 years of Whatabout Music : The label started in 2006 in Barcelona, and now has 37 bands with 60 albums : Here is a selection of tracks recorded between 2006 - 2013 :

featuring tracks from :

dave bianchi / man ex maqina / melou / tal ben ari / leslie helpert / selva de mar / leonardo trincabelli / anita zengeza / gadjo / amanda jayne / queenfish / samantha de siena / dodo / mû / musicasilencio / iluminata / ivo saint / ismael dueñas / marcel·lí bayer / idilic trio / mut trio / roc calvet / candelaria / the marc mena quartet / picccola orchestra gagarin / jollyheads circus / maarten swaan / memoria selectiva / negritos / dirty santos

available now for only $7.99 (€7) on iTunes
Reviews & Press
Sowhatabout Live : An unconventional music series... ...
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